After a dozen years of Petaluma Urban Chat educating about and advocating for better land use practices in our community, how does the Land Use Policy Framework for the upcoming General Plan update reflect our efforts?
Does the framework put Petaluma on the path to adequate housing for community needs, non-car transportation alternatives, climate action, and sustainable municipal finances?
Casual conversations, with light refreshments, will begin at 6:30pm. The forum will begin at 7:00pm. Join us in person if you can. If not, Zoom will be available starting at 7:00pm.
Join us for an overview of key policy ideas from the framework and a discussion among attendees.
"Citywide Evolution", (detailed in Chapter 1 of the Framework), reaffirms the City’s commitment to the Urban Growth Boundary, preserves open space, guides open space preservation and development near the River, and prioritizes infill and transit-oriented development that is supported by necessary infrastructure.
We are invited to consider the following land use policy directions:
Do not allow the development of new detached single-family homes in multi-family and mixed-use areas
Diversify the permitted uses and development standards in mixed-use zones
Adjust permitted uses in flood-prone areas along the Petaluma River
Identify and proactively enhance 15-minute activity centers
Allow standalone residential development above certain minimum densities in Town Centers
Adjust standards to facilitate accessory dwelling unit (ADU) production
Allow duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes in single-family residential zones
Allow commercial uses in neighborhoods
Provide more flexibility for home occupations
Facilitate the integration of more live/work and work/live units and recognize the different forms this might be developed
Many regular participants in Know Before You Grow also serve on the General Plan Advisory Committee. These folks will share their thoughts on the alignment between the Land Use Framework and the Urban Chat mission.
Get ready for a lively discussion!