Fifteen-minute neighborhoods can improve the quality of our lives by providing easy access to fresh food, goods and services, and places to gather...all within a short 15-minute walk or bike ride! And they are an essential component of Petaluma's future. Without 15-minute neighborhoods, we can't reach the climate, livability, and financial resilience goals that we've set for ourselves.
Petaluma was one of a handful of cities to win a grant from the American Institute of Architects Sustainable Design Assessment Team (AIA SDAT) to develop a vision of what a 15-minute neighborhood future would look like in Petaluma.
Join the local organizers of the 15-minute neighborhood effort to learn about this unique and necessary vision for our shared future. You'll also learn about the steps toward implementation, starting with the adoption of a General Plan that embraces 15-minute neighborhoods and then continuing with changes to the zoning codes and neighborhood-specific actions to nourish the changes.